Adapts to the specific needs of customers
Great Lakes Fishery Commission needed a simple-to-use inventory warehouse database that combined all inventory at five locations. The software needed to possess real-time reporting capabilities, connectivity and uploading of information, conversion of units of measure, an easy to understand user interface, capacity to orchestrate the work flows of three different agencies, and documentation of the flow of transactions from purchase order to delivery to station to treatment point.
PhyleTec’s software met the Commission’s requirements for a good balance of value for the costs and adaptability to the Commission’s specific needs.
In particular, Charles and Andrew impressed our sea lamprey control agents (Department of Fisheries and Oceans – Canada and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) with forthright competence and honesty.
The software is well-written, robust, and resilient. It can be customized via collaborative interaction with PhyleTec. The software is important, but it is just a tool. The real value of the software lies in the willingness of PhyleTec to adapt it to the specific needs of its customers and the quick reply and solution when a problem is encountered out in the field.

Stephen Domeracki Director of Corporate Services